Burton, a soldier with PTSD and TBI
I was retired out a little over 20 years ago (from military service) for PTSD. During my career I suffered 2 TBI’s (traumatic brain injuries), multiple concussions, and multiple serious injuries. I am believed to have Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), and developed: Extreme rage, extreme anger, complete loss of empathy, violent outbursts, (and) no fear of death. I was suffering from 7 to 16 violent, trauma induced, hyper-tensing seizures a week. Some seizures would break fingers, toes and tear muscles. The seizures would completely mentally and physically exhaust me. I suffered from extreme headaches and head pain since my head injuries. PTSD and the combination of the effects of CTE made my life unlivable. I would not take my own life because my wife always told me she could not make it past my death, so I found peace in the Hell I was in.
For her, I saw she could make it past death. So, one day I sat her down and told her (that) her life would be better without me. Without the burden I have become and that she will get past my death and be able to live the rest of her life and not have to live under what I have become. All I asked was. Let me enjoy one more birthday.
As a last resort my wife brought me to your facility. We had to drive out of state as this treatment is not legal in our state. My first treatment was 2 weeks before my coming birthday. So I agreed to try it for my wife. Well here I am now today. 9 months later. From my very first treatment I have not suffered 1 seizure. Not a single one. I have not taken one medication for sleep or anxiety. Not a single one. I can now say I have beaten all of the damaging effects caused by Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) . I have absolutely no anger related problems. No violent outbursts. A complete feeling of empathy. I no longer suffer from any kinda rage. The anger I was consumed in I now control. I am free. Just knowing I can control myself and not be taken over by rage. That’s the most freeing feeling I can explain. I no longer have any headaches or head pain. None in any way.
My relationship with my wife has never been stronger. I no longer live just for her. I live for myself and us. My doctor cannot believe these changes could happen medically. My psychologist said this could not be done in a clinical setting ever. I was considered too far gone. Well in 9 months and 5 treatments. We did what they say could not be done. I had to leave my state because it is not legal here. Trust people who I normally would not. With methods I did not comprehend, but with your help I did it. How can I thank you for helping guide me to peace? By giving me a physical place that allowed me to see what I needed to see, heal what I needed to heal with no judgment, you have given me peace, love and acceptance.
Thank Jadryn for helping save my life and thank you Vital Reset and all of your staff. – Burton – Washington
Michael, self-understanding and peace
I’ve always been rather introspective, curious and decently self-aware. After leaving a high stress career to raise my wonderful – yet very willful – son who was 3 at the time, I still felt stressed. I knew that I was using alcohol to cope and consuming way too much. I felt “off” but couldn’t put my finger on why. I suppose I felt rudderless and I still had that high-stress-job intensity – which I then focused on my family and friends. (I’ll just say that in hindsight – these weren’t my proudest moments.)
One morning I read an article about psychedelic therapy… and it just made sense to me. I did my research. I journaled every single day. I knew something had to change. After some solo experimentation (psilocybin journey)- I then quit drinking for 1 year. Your birthday is in 3 days. Why not quit for 1 entire year and just commit to it? That was exactly 1 year ago today. What happened next was profound.
I began feeling myself again for the first time in years. I became more proactive and collaborative in my life – but more so with my family and with myself. Despite these near immediate improvements, I still felt angry and short fused a lot. I wanted to go further down the psychedelic therapy rabbit hole – so I joined the waiting list for every single Oregon Psilocybin Therapy center that was certified. And one day I received an email from Heidi Venture at Vital Reset. I replied (almost immediately).
Heidi was immensely helpful in helping me to prepare for my journey. We met several times, she encouraged me to put my intentions down on paper – then helped me to refine them until it felt “right” for me. She answered my questions – which were MANY (thanks for being so patient Heidi!) – especially since I had never had a significant psychedelic experience before. Leading up to my journey, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I wasn’t seeking joy or eternal happiness. I wanted to understand myself – my whole self – and I wanted internal peace.
The specifics of the journey are quite personal – but I will say that it was one of the most profound experiences of my life. For me, it was not all bliss and joy – sure, there was some of that – but for me, I found it extremely difficult too. One of the most difficult experiences of my life actually – but also one of the most rewarding. The journey showed me – in a very visceral way – that everything I wanted out of life I already had waiting for me at home; that I am and always have been whole; that I don’t need to be angry anymore.
My journey took place in August of 2023. Heidi guided me through the process – and was instrumental in helping me to integrate the experience afterward. I no longer feel rudderless or angry – and I think most people would say that I’m both less intense and more pleasant to be around. – Michael J. – Oregon
MK, migraines
I didn’t experiment with drugs growing up, so psilocybin therapy was a big leap out of my comfort zone, yet working with Heidi Venture at Vital Reset and doing a psilocybin treatment (for the first time) changed my life. And this is not an exaggeration.
For the last 5 years I have suffered 20-25 days a month from severe pain from chronic migraine disease. That chronic pain and the failure to find relief after trying just about every pharmaceutical and physical therapy treatment imaginable, had nearly depleted hope and joy from my life. Psilocybin therapy literally brought both of those life essentials back to me.
While my single treatment’s immediate direct benefit for migraine only lasted 7 days, that blissful relief and clear mind from experiencing a brain completely free of pain for an entire week, restored my capacity to continue the quest for further relief from this disease. This gift of reignited hope has also allowed joy back into my life. Psilocybin therapy for treating migraine has such potential to help with this debilitating and incurable neurological disease, I sincerely hope further studies will be done to scientifically show what I now empirically know ~ that psilocybin holds tremendous promise for migraine relief.
I will forever be grateful to Heidi for her guidance which gave me the confidence and courage to explore this treatment option, and to Vital Reset which provided the comfortable and safe environment. I know will be making a pilgrimage back to Vital Reset. – MK. – Oregon
The Story of Burton: A Wife’s Perspective
Burton and I have shared twenty-two years together. I’ve been by his side since the first signs of PTSD and brain trauma-induced seizures began. We were together before the onset of these challenges, but it was clear from the moment the seizures started that something was deeply wrong. The seizures grew progressively worse, but then something changed. One day, the
anger—extreme, inconsolable rage—became apparent. As time passed, the anger intensified, consuming him entirely. Violent outbursts occurred without warning, and I, his closest confidante, couldn’t ease his pain. His depression deepened alongside the rage, and it reached a point where I braced myself every day for the worst. I could feel it, I could see it in his eyes—his spirit, once so bright, had dimmed. His face, which used to light up with joy, had become a mask of desolation.
The smallest things would set him off—something as simple as a cup of coffee could trigger an eruption that would send him into a dark, empty room, staring into the abyss for days. Sometimes, it was only time that could pull him from that place, but often, it didn’t last. The
things that would frustrate an average person consumed his life. He couldn’t control his reactions, no matter how small the provocation.
For over fifteen years, I watched helplessly as Burton’s life unraveled. Seizures dominated his days—some days, he had multiple, each one violent enough to break fingers, toes, and leave his teeth shattered. Each seizure left him dazed and confused, unable to recover before the next one hit. It was an unrelenting cycle, one that left him debilitated by anger, rage, and deep sorrow. He often told me that he wished God would have mercy on him. Despite years of seeking help, no doctor seemed able to understand how to fix him. They knew he had complex PTSD, but they had no idea how to approach his treatment. He was medicated, drugged with doses that left him in a constant fog, unable to function. Yet, nothing helped. Therapy, medication, nothing worked.
Then, two years ago, my greatest fear became a crushing reality. Burton told me he wanted one last birthday, after which he intended to leave this earth. He had lost all sense of purpose. He no longer saw beauty or meaning in life. All he could see was the pain he caused me, and he
believed I could survive his loss, just as I had survived the death of my father. My heart shattered. But I refused to give up. Through it all, I remained his rock—steadfast, even when the pain was unbearable. I knew the man I loved was still there, buried beneath the anger and the
despair. I just needed to find him again.
In the midst of our search for hope, Burton was referred to a psychologist who specialized in PTSD. It felt like a last-ditch effort. She was thrilled to see him return each week, unsure whether he would even make it back. But progress was slow. Around the same time, we stumbled upon research about psilocybin treatment for veterans with PTSD. I can’t remember where I saw it—perhaps it was a news article or a TV segment—but I began to dig deeper. The more I learned, the more convinced I became that this could be our answer. But we had no idea how to even begin, or if it was legal.
Burton discussed it with his psychologist, and she agreed that psilocybin could be worth pursuing, especially considering her clinical belief that his condition was worsened by CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), a result of his brain injuries. Burton was devastated by this
diagnosis, unwilling to accept the idea of living with CTE. But after much discussion, we both agreed that we needed to try psilocybin treatments if we could find a way.
I signed Burton up for a trial at the University of Washington, but we were faced with uncertainty—he could be placed in a placebo group, and even if he received the treatment, there was no guarantee it would be effective. Time was not on our side. So, I searched for alternatives and found Vital Reset in Hood River, Oregon. Desperate, I reached out to them, explaining that
Burton’s life was on the line. He only had a few months left, and we both knew it. Burton was skeptical at first, unsure how “tripping on magic mushrooms” could help him, but I held onto hope.
The next day, Jadryn from Vital Reset reached out. A month later, Burton was one of the first patients to receive psilocybin treatment for complex PTSD and probable CTE. The team at Vital Reset—Jadryn, John, and Heidi—understood the gravity of his situation and handled him with the utmost care. Fourteen months ago, Burton received his first treatment. Thank God for this
intervention, for this facility, and for Jadryn. Since then, Burton has undergone several treatments, and the transformation has been nothing short of miraculous.
Today, I see a man who has rediscovered joy. His face, once clouded with anger and pain, now radiates happiness. We laugh, we talk, we cherish the simple moments together. He now recognizes the value in everyday experiences, like sitting outside and watching the sunset, or sharing a meal while reminiscing about the day. His emotional intelligence has grown, and while
he still experiences frustration or sadness, he quickly refocuses and says, “Let’s make today a good day.” Burton has shed the emotional numbness that once defined him, and I see him re-engaging with the hobbies and passions he had long abandoned. He now approaches life with renewed purpose.
The transformation is nothing short of astonishing. People who knew him before would never believe the change unless they saw it with their own eyes. Burton wakes up happy each day, and his gratitude for this therapy is palpable. He is a living testament to the power of psilocybin and what it can do for people suffering from PTSD and brain trauma.
For me, the journey didn’t stop with Burton’s recovery. I too needed healing. For years, I had lived in the shadows of his pain. I was in the hole with him, and now, as he emerged from it, I found myself still there. But now, I too am healing. I wake up each day feeling thankful, seeing
the beauty around me—the sun rising, the sky’s vastness, the vibrant green grass beneath our feet. We are living a life we never thought possible, and I am filled with hope for the future.
Burton’s journey is ongoing, as CTE is degenerative, but there is no longer a sense of helplessness. We no longer rely on temporary fixes—there is real, effective therapy available. We are committed to spreading the word and advocating for others who need a chance at healing.
I am eternally grateful to the team at Vital Reset and to Jadryn for the life-changing gift they have given our family. We will never forget what they have done for us. Our lives have been renewed with love, happiness, and purpose.
Forever grateful,
Burton’s wife
Brett, depression relief
On the one-week anniversary of my journey in Hood River I wanted to reach out to you to thank you for everything you both did to make it a remarkable and special experience.
Quite frankly, I’ve been amazed at the results. I have been hesitant to celebrate the changes for fear it’s transient, but it feels like things are sticking and I’m gathering momentum with new habits and mindset. I’m more mindful, happier to interact socially, and feel like I’ve gotten more accomplished this past week than the past two months. Best of all, I like myself again.
Six hours with psilocybin did what three decades of anti-depressants could not. It occurred to me that what I’m feeling now might only be what a normal human being feels, but to me it’s a sea change. I had no idea how bad my depression had become.
Thank you again, Brett – Brett G. – Washington